Dear Christian Fellowship Church Family,

In the summer of 2022 we had a tornado blow through the Detroit Lakes and Cotton Lake area. A few years ago, we had a storm blow through the Floyd Lake area. Both of these storms left people stranded—church people, people we know—without electricity, without water, and unable to get in or out.

These storms are not monthly occurrences, nor are they once-in-a-lifetime occurrence; however, they are once in a while occurrences or "opportunities". Opportunities for us to show—to be—the hands and the feet of Christ.

We would like to begin a ministry to help those who are in need during a crisis situation. If you have equipment that could be used for this or that you are willing to use to help out in such a situation, we would like create an inventory and to have a point of contact for helping people out.

A chain saw, pole saw, a skid-steer, a generator…something that could help in the time of need. Perhaps you have a truck and a trailer, or are able to deliver groceries, and pray for someone. Please, let us know.

You can be assured that we are not going to publish this info; we are not going to sell your name; we are not going to rent out your generator to the highest bidder, or ask you to just go do yard work for someone.

This is a crisis ministry to people—people in the church as well as neighbors or friends—in a way that we can be a blessing.

These opportunities will be vetted by someone in our congregation to see if we have the manpower and resources to help.

If you would like to participate in this area of ministry, please fill out this form to let us know what you have, and help us be "Salt and Light" to those around us.

Please remember: "Light shines the brightest when times seem the darkest".

Thank you so much!

Pastor Tim