C.F. Family Bowling & Games Nights
Post date: Nov 26, 2010 4:05:58 PM
Come join “the family of believers in Jesus Christ” and help us melt the winter away at the Voyageur Lanes at 1317 West Lake Drive! We’re starting a bowling league on Friday nights for all ages, December 3rd-April 1st. We will be forming teams of four bowlers on eight alleys. We’ll also need subs and occasional bowlers. The cost will be $10 for three games nightly. We will have prizes for high score for the team as well as individuals. If you don’t bowl and want to come cheer your team on or just play board games, like chess, checkers, monopoly or cards, come on down. There is food available, and there is no cost if you don’t bowl. The fellowship is worth the trip! For details, call Allan 847-1023.