What is YOUR "Spot" at the Turkey Supper?
Post date: Sep 24, 2010 4:54:19 PM
The annual C.F. Turkey Supper has been set for Friday, October 22nd! EVERYONE can have a part in the annual “FUN-raiser” as we work together as a church family and welcome the community “over for supper.” Where is your “spot”? Volunteers Wanted for: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20TH Pie-Making Morning, 8:30 a.m.-12:00/until done
Baking apple and pumpkin pies at the church, or make your own pies at home! (Coordinator/head baker wanted for the church baking.) Please sign up in church foyer, or contact Jane, 847-7037.
Potato Wash, morning or afternoon
Pressure-washing 400 lbs. of potatoes.
Want to help? Contact Jim, 847-7037.
Potato Peel, 6:00
Come and help peel 400 lbs. of potatoes! Everyone welcome. Bring your favorite peeler, or one will be provided. Pizza afterwards.
Turkey Supper, serving 4:00-8:00
Set-up, servers, bussing tables, parking cars, greeting people, heating turkey, vegetable, potatoes, cutting pies, buns & butter, gravy, washing dishes, cleanup…much more! If you want your usual “spot” or are looking for one new, please contact Jane asap, 847-7037.
Small Cat-Tails Wanted for Turkey Supper table decorations.If you have any, please contact Robbie, 847-8815.