Take the February ACTS Challenge!

Post date: Jan 27, 2017 9:56:38 PM

Let's join together as a congregation to take the ACTS CHALLENGE! For each day of February, read one chapter of the Book of Acts.Links to the chapter of the day will be posted on the CF Facebook page. Please add your comments and insights there each day!

Extra Tips to Maximize the ACTS Challenge:

  • Consider pairing up with a study partner— someone who will pray with you on that day.

  • As you read each day, make a note of keywords or topics that you see (e.g., scripture written/fulfilled, angels, visions, dreams, testimony, increase, persecution, miracles, Holy Spirit, God speaks, geography, numbers, days…etc.).

  • Watch for how the day's reading applies to situations in your life.

  • Share what God shows you with others!